EasyEnglish Bible

Since “retiring” from service with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Ghana and moving from Thame, Oxfordshire, to Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, Philip has been working as review editor for the EasyEnglish Bible (EEB). This is a project of MissionAssist, a network of volunteers in the UK who support overseas Christian mission in various ways.

The EEB can be accessed online on the website easyenglish.bible or via YouVersion (the Bible app) or on Bible Gateway, under the EASY label.

The project developed out of a desire to produce material in a simple form of the English language. This is suitable for those whose first language is not English and for those who struggle with reading, for whatever reason. Initially the focus was on preparing commentaries and other Bible resources in EasyEnglish, particularly for pastors and church workers with a basic level of English. This developed into a drafting of the Bible text itself into EasyEnglish. This has proved very popular all around the world. It also seems that many people with a good command of English also appreciate the EasyEnglish translation. Instead of processing unfamiliar words and long, complex sentences, readers are able to interact with scripture in a new way.

EasyEnglish uses a subset of English vocabulary and grammar. Complex ideas are expressed in simple, short sentence structures, using words that are in common use. As with translation of the Bible into any language, this has its challenges. Hopefully with this blog we can tease out some issues that are relevant not only to EasyEnglish but also to more erudite English versions.